Handling the added Retail Delivery Fee on an Inventory Order for Colorado
To account for the added delivery fee charged when an inventory order is delivered to an address in Colorado, you can create a product profile by following the steps below and then adding it to the order. The fee will then be included in the Product Purchases report under the All Other Sections column.
- From the product list toolbar, select New, then Product.
- From the product profile toolbar, select Settings, then Advanced Settings.
- From Product Advanced Settings, disable the Discountable option, set the Section to 3, then select OK to save and close the pop-up.
- From the Details section, assign a unique Part Number (up to 8 characters), then Description, and choose a Category.
- From the Pricing section, disable the Taxable option and enable the No Inventory option. If you choose, enter the typical amount charged in the Retail/Cost field (otherwise, the amount can be entered after adding it to the inventory order).
- Select Save to save and close the newly created product profile.
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