Automatic expense entry by BLVD for freight amount
AnsweredIn the past years, when I printed out my expense report at year end, it contained entries that had been created automatically by BLVD for freight/shipping charges for every inventory order I had placed with the company throughout the year. I assumed this was still the case since I see the correct $9.35 amt listed when I view the inventory order tab but it has not been done for any of my orders in 2017 or 2018. When did this auto generation stop? so do I need to manually add freight expense entries when I import my orders from now on? and go back and enter them manually for all of my 2017 orders?? Please let me know asap.
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Hi Sue,
That should be happening automatically. You'll want to ensure that you still have the setting checked. If you go to the Product menu > Inventory Order, then click Settings in the lower left corner, in the upper left corner you'll see the option (as shown in the image below).
If you that option wasn't checked, after doing so, double click on any of your closed orders and then click OK. This will prompt Boulevard to create an expense entry.
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