Boulevard Tools to Help You Organize & Manage Virtual Parties!
Did you know that Boulevard already has tools you can utilize to organize and manage digital/virtual parties? We'll be hosting an online webinar in the future that covers the different options at your disposal but wanted to give everyone a head start in using these great features now!
Create a Single, Repeating, or Multiple Action Items to set tasks and Create an Appointment when you're booking the party as well as setting up coaching sessions for the host.
- Use the List Builder to group the party host and attendees allowing you to easily access and work with each quickly.
- Set up a Checklist to pre-profile attendees and other items you'd like to track. You can even print the checklist directly from their profile.
- There are several areas to create Contact Log entries to keep a log when you call, text, email, or make notes that will then be organized by date. It also allows you to track the amount of time you spent, which will transfer to the Weekly Accomplishment Sheet too. You can even view all of the Contact Log entries for everyone.
- We also offer images and pdfs specifically designed for digital/virtual parties (like the one below) and are continually adding to our online library. They're fun, free, and great for posting on social media, sending emails, and dressing up your invoices! And if you have an idea of an image or flier you'd like to see, just let us know in the comment section below.
Official comment
Hi Lou Ann! Thank you for your kind words!
Regarding invoice images/notes, currently, there is one Standard Note that can be set in Preferences, then on the invoice itself can be adjusted or changed. Get ready for Boulevard 2021 releasing in June as you'll have more note options to quickly switch to on the invoice. Shhh...we haven't publicly released the info yet. ;-)
As far as double-sided printing for your invoices (and other reports too), you'd need to set that in your printer manufacturer's settings. Not all printers have that capability, but if yours does, it would be located there. If you're using Windows 10, in the Windows search bar, type Printers & Scanners to locate the printers you have installed to check for that setting.
You may also be able to access your printer settings from inside Boulevard as well. From the File menu select Print Setup. Once you've located your default printer, click the Preferences button which will launch the specific settings for your printer.
Hi Kelli, 1st of all - thanks for all you do to keep us very educated!!!
1: clipart & invoices ... it would be nice that we could "quickly" adjust our invoice while in a customer profile. Example: For a Birthday order ... We could quickly add a "Happy Birthday" clipart to that person's invoice, without changing my master invoice setting. If this is already possible, please direct me where to find these details.
2: Printing Invoices: Does or Can an invoice printing setting be adjusted to print "both sides" of paper. Sometime a large invoice then with "notes" it prints on 2 papers. I like to be as "green" as possible & use my printer feature to print Both sides all the time. Haven't figured how to get that feature to work with BLVD for Invoices or reports. Directions on how to make this happen would be wonderful.
Stay safe, Be well, Lou Ann Lester
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Thanks for your help ....
1) I change the notes section frequently ... didn't think to copy & paste the B-Day clip art here!!! It worked!!! yayyyy
2) Thanks for directions on going to main printing settings to set the default to 2 side printing. Several of my regular programs I guess have that in their memory setting when I've adjusted to do 1 side printing, because I have been able to double side print in those programs with the main setting set to 1 page printing.
Thanks again, Lou Ann
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You're welcome, Lou Ann!
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