Move, Mark Complete, or Clear Past Calendar Items
You can move, mark complete, or clear one or more calendar items at a time.
- From the main toolbar, select Calendar, then the To Do List tab (or from the Calendar menu, select To Do List).
- Select one or more items to highlight, then from the toolbar, choose one of the options below (or right-click and select either Move, Mark Complete, or Delete).
Selected item(s) will be removed from the calendar without updating the date in the Last Contact field.
Tip: Ensure Inactive and Bring Forward Followups filters are selected from the Filter sidebar, and click the Due column header to sort before selecting and deleting items. View
Additional Information:
- Not finding a calendar item? From the Filter sidebar, ensure that Bring Forward Followups is checked along with other filtering options.
- To change the sort order of the list, click one of the column headers (Type, Priority, Due, Description, Follow-up, Preferred, Best Time to Call, or Linked To).
- To block select multiple items select the first row then press and hold then left-click on the last row.
- To select multiple items that are not together, while holding left-click on each row.
- Double-click or use the right-click menu on calendar items for quick functions.
- Calendar Overview
- Upcoming Events