Load Online Product Updates
If you are already subscribed to the Product Update Service, see Verifying Credentials in Boulevard to load the current product update, or if you think you may have missed a past product update, see View Product Update History or Load a Full Product List.
Due to the many outside variables with computer operating systems and internet browsers, we cannot provide support for the free product updates.
- The current Boulevard Software Release must be installed.
- Ensure that the email address and password in your Boulevard program match what we have on your Main Street account (See Update Email Address or Password & Verify Credentials for more information).
- Each new update builds on the previous update. Every update must be loaded, and in order (i.e. Spring, Summer, Fall, Holiday, Winter). If you have missed loading an update, you can contact us to subscribe to the Product Update Service, or manually add missing items and make the additional necessary changes (e.g. price changes, product category changes, etc.).
- If you receive an error such as "no dataset returned or GetPUSbyCode", see the article What does the error "No dataset returned..." mean? for more information.
Obtain & Load the Update:
- Back up your Boulevard data before proceeding.
- Log in to your Main Street account and copy the Key Code.
- In Boulevard, under the File menu, select Product Update, then Load Update...
- Paste the code into the Key Code field and select OK.
- Follow the on-screen prompts.
Additional Information:
To automatically receive the updates inside Boulevard, and other perks including a seasonal newsletter that gives details on a program feature along with other important information (sample newsletter below), we recommend subscribing to the Product Update Service.