Maintenance & Troubleshooting
If it's after hours and you're receiving an error in your program, this section is a great place to seek answers and resolve most issues. We've also included other helpful information including backing up Boulevard to a cloud-based solution, clearing your internet browser's cache and other basic Windows help.
Installation & Backup/Restore Data
- Automatically Back up Boulevard to Your Google Drive
- System Requirements for Boulevard®
- Backing up Your Boulevard Data File
- Download & Install Boulevard
- Back up to an Online Option Automatically (Cloud-based)
- Transfer Boulevard to a Different Computer
Product List Updates
My Main Street Account
Wrapping Up Year-End for Tax Purposes
- Print Inventory & Make Adjustments
- Year-end: Inventory (Cost of Goods)
- Handle Demos, Donations, or Expired/Product Loss
- Handling Personal Use
- Handle Gifts Given Away
- Close Year-End & Run Tax Reports
Preferences & Customizing Boulevard
- Preferences: Business Info tab
- Changing Your Sales Tax Rate
- Customizing Invoices & Adding Images
- Add or Edit the Default Standard Invoice Notes
- Preferences: Invoice tab
- Automatically Apply a Birthday Discount
Email Messaging
Receive Help & Additional Resources
- Boulevard Software for Your Business
- Welcome to Your Online Support Center
- Internet Web Browser Help
- Installing Windows Updates & Other Windows Help
- Clearing Your Browser Cache
- Set a Default Printer in Boulevard
- Contact Profile Not Saving
- Boulevard Not Opening from Shortcut
- Unrecognized Database or Failed to Execute Error
- Incompatible Data File and Version Number Error
- What does the error "No dataset returned..." mean?
- Show Find Panel to Search for Contacts or Products