Backing up Your Boulevard Data File
We recommend that you take a backup of your current Boulevard software. When backing up to a physical drive, even if the backup process completes successfully from Boulevard, there could be hardware failure with your computer's hard drive, external drive, or flash drive. To avoid issues with hardware failure, please consider backing up to a cloud-based option.
- From the File menu, select Backup.
- In the Save File As window, from the Save in drop-down, select where you would like to save the backup file (flash or external drive, or other cloud-based option).
- Click Save.
Note: The backup file by default will be named using the following format:
BLVD BACKUP_YYYY-MM-DD_HHMMMSS.ZIP which indicates when the backup was taken, but can be changed to a different name if you choose.
Additional Information:
We recommend that if you are not actively working in Boulevard, you exit the application. Shutting down Boulevard every day will then alert you the next time you launch the program when there is a new software release available.
Also, exiting Boulevard closes the connection between your software program and the database (the information you keep stored in the program) which will help prevent database issues or corruption as a result of Windows updates and other third-party applications.
- Boulevard Default Data & Backup File Location
- Preferences: Backup tab
- To avoid loss of data due to hardware failure, viruses, etc. we strongly suggest backing up to a cloud-based solution such as Dropbox, OneDrive, or Google Drive. See Remote Back up to the Cloud Automatically for more information.
- To restore a backup, see Restore a Boulevard Backup File for more information.