Find or Search For a Contact
- From any contact list, click Clear Filters to clear any filters set. View
- Then, from the list toolbar, type part of the contact's name in the Find Panel. As you start typing the first or last name of the contact, the list will drill down to include only the possible contacts.
- Double-click on the desired contact to view their profile, then check to ensure it is not marked as Inactive. View Customer Profile or View Consultant Profile
- From Help on the main toolbar, under the Find section, select Contact (or from the Edit menu, select Find, then Contact).
- Type a unique part of the person's information (name, phone number, address, email address, etc.).
- If found, double-click on the desired contact to view their profile.
Note: If you found the contact and the List column shows Recycle Bin, or you cannot double-click to view the contact, the profile has been deleted. Please see Restore Contact from the Recycle Bin to restore the profile.