View Customer Product Usage
Identify which customers have purchased specific products from you before, such as lipsticks, foundation, or cleansers. Take your marketing to the next level by using the List Builder to create a targeted list, sending out personalized group emails, or crafting a Sales Event email featuring these items.
From the main toolbar, select Inventory (or from the Product menu, select Product List).
- From the view drop-down, select Usage by Customer.
- From the Filter sidebar, set any desired filters (Date Range, Category, Group, Product Line, Section, and whether to include Closeout Items or Out of Stock).
- To filter for a specific item, type a unique part of the item's name, product line, or partial part number in the search field.
Tip: If your search field is hidden, right-click anywhere on the column header (Part #, Description, Retail, etc.) and choose Show Find Panel.
Additional Options:
- To print as a report, select the checkbox next to the desired contacts (or leave it unchecked to print all), then Print.
- To add the selected contacts to the List Builder, click List Builder. This allows you to include additional information about each contact, such as phone number, email, etc.
- In the search field (also known as Find Panel), type a unique part of the item's name or partial part number.
- After locating the desired product, double-click to open the product profile and select the Usage tab.
- From the Period drop-down, choose one of the options listed or select Date Range to enter a custom range, then click OK .
- Click Print to print.
Tip: Use Option 1 to save the contacts as a group in the List Builder, which will allow you to send a personalized email message and more.