List Builder Overview
You can create and maintain custom lists to group contacts from either the Customer, Address, or Unit list which then allows you to create mailing labels and send a group email using the lists you create.
Access the List Builder by going to the Business Tools menu and select List Builder (or from the Contacts group on the main toolbar, click List Builder).
- List: Displays the contacts included in the specific list created. Select a list in the box to view, edit, or delete it.
- : Select to create a new list.
- : Select the list to edit from the List drop-down, then click this button to edit the list.
- : Select the list to delete from the List drop-down, then click this button to delete it.
- : Add or remove columns from the list displayed; or reset to the default columns
- : Create an entry in their Contact Log.
- : Send an email to one contact, or a group email if multiple contacts are selected.
- : Choose to print a report, or mailing labels.
When creating a new list or editing an existing list, you can choose to view only certain groups of contacts from the Show drop-down options. View
- Everyone: Displays contacts from all three lists.
- Customers All: Displays active and inactive contacts on the Customer list.
- Customers Active Only: Displays only the contacts from the Customer list that are not marked inactive.
- Consultants: Displays all consultants located on the Unit List.
- Address Contacts: Displays all contacts located on the Address List.
- Edit: Launches the contact's profile
- Remove Name from List: Removes the name from the current name list
- New Invoice: Launches a new invoice for the contact
- Invoice History: Launches the contact's profile opened to the Account & Invoice tab
- Product History: Launches the contact's profile opened to the Products tab
- Call History: Launches the contact's profile opened to the Contact Log tab
- Account Balance: Launches the contact's profile opened to the Account & Invoice tab
- New Appointment: Creates a new appointment
- New Action Item: Creates a new action item (single)