Estimated Inventory Value Report
It is crucial to run the Inventory Listing by Category report at year-end before entering sales or inventory for the next tax year. Only the current inventory value can be obtained when the report is run. If any invoices or inventory orders have been entered for the new year, the Estimated Inventory Value report will give a close estimate for the previous year.
- Before continuing, ensure that your Default Discount has been set.
- From the Business Tools menu, select Reports.
- Under the Inventory section, double-click the Estimated Inventory Value report.
- From the preview window, click to print (or to export as a pdf).
Understanding the report:
- (1) - Current Inventory: the retail amount of inventory on the date the report was printed (amount added)
- (2) - Customer Sales: the total retail amount of products invoiced for the current year at the time the report was printed, excluding all Direct Ship and Guest Checkout invoices as well as excluding any Shipping or Gift Certificates sold (amount added)
- (3) - Loaned Product: the retail total of any loaned product (amount added)
- (4) - Product Orders: the retail total of all received orders for the current year, excluding any Direct Ship or Guest Checkout orders (amount subtracted)
- (5) - Borrowed Product: the retail total of any borrowed product (amount subtracted)
- (6) - Estimated Inventory Value: the approximate wholesale amount (cost of goods) for the previous year based on your Default Discount