Default Product List Views
Boulevard contains several different product list layouts that allow you to view the information in a variety of formats and give additional functionality. See Import Additional Product List Views for information about additional views that can be imported, or Create a View or Custom Report to create a new view.
Default Views
- Default: Fields displayed: Part #, Description, Retail, On Hand, Ideal, On Order, Release Date, and Closeout Date fields.
- Ideal Amounts: Items with an Ideal amount set are shown. Fields displayed: Part #, Description, Retail, On Hand, Ideal, Discount, On Order, Release Date, and Closeout Date fields. Additional filtering can be set to show items that are Below Ideal Level or Out of Stock.
- Inventory: Items currently on-hand/in-stock and includes a grand total. Fields displayed: Part #, Description, Retail, Ideal, On Hand, On Order, and Cost of Goods amount.
- Sales: Items sold within a given timeframe grouped by category (default date range is the current month to the previous year). Fields displayed: Part #, Product, Sold. This view can then be used to create an inventory order.
- Usage by Customer: Items sold within a given timeframe grouped by product (default date range is the current month to the previous year). Fields displayed: Customer, amounts Sold, Gifts, Demo, and Return.
- Usage by Month: Items sold within a given timeframe are separated by month and grouped by category then the product (default date range is the current month to the previous year). Fields displayed: Total and Average amounts sold and Ideal.
- Worksheet: All items located in the product list are grouped by category (Section 1 shown by default). Fields displayed: Part #, On Hand, Ideal, Description, Retail, and Group.
Additional Information:
Tip: If you have issues with a view, select View Options, then select Reset to return the current view to the default settings.
Additional fields can be added to each view. For more information, see Add, Move or Hide Columns on the Product List.