Print or Export the Weekly Accomplishment Sheet
The Weekly Accomplishment Sheet can be emailed, printed, or exported in various formats. You can choose whether or not to include business supplies and personal use, and the Sales Total on the WAS will reflect the option you select. To access the Weekly Accomplishment form, from the main toolbar, select My WAS (or from the Business Tools menu, select My WAS).
New: This feature has been updated with Boulevard 2025. Please note that the instructions have slightly changed.
Personal Use and Business Supplies type of invoices will have a checkmark in the Business Supplies or Personal Use column (as shown in the image above). If you want to exclude those invoices from the Weekly Accomplishment Sheet Sales Total follow the step below.
From the toolbar, click and uncheck Include Business Supplies / Personal Use in Sales Total, then click
OK to save and close.
Export/Print Options:
Use Option 1 if your director uses Boulevard and she wants to import your Weekly Accomplishment file directly into her Boulevard program, and you already have your email set up in Boulevard.
Note: You must have your email set up in Boulevard before proceeding. If you send email messages directly from Boulevard, the email message form will display with the data file attached. If you use a desktop email client such as Outlook, the data file will be placed on your Desktop and will need to be manually attached to the Outlook email message that automatically pops up.
- On the Weekly Accomplishment toolbar, click
next to
and select the date range from the drop-down list (if Custom is chosen, enter the applicable range, then click
OK .)
- Once the applicable date range has been set, click
- In the Send To section, choose either Email: My Director, Email: Adopted Director, or Email: Both Directors from the Export WAS form.
- Use the Next Week's Goals area to record your plans for next week. Select whether or not to Include Business Supplies / Personal Use or Dovetail/Other (i.e. shipping, etc.).
- When finished, click
OK .
Use Option 2 if your director also uses Boulevard, and they would like to import your Weekly Accomplishment file directly into their program, but you do not have your email set up in Boulevard and would like to manually attach the XML file to an email message.
- On the Weekly Accomplishment toolbar, click
next to
and select the date range from the drop-down list (if Custom is chosen, enter the applicable range, then click
OK .)
- Once the applicable date range has been set, click
- In the Send To section, choose File.
- Use the Next Week's Goals area to record your plans for next week. Select whether to include Business Supplies / Personal Use or Dovetail / Other (e.g., shipping, etc.), then click
OK .
- Click OK to acknowledge that the file was saved on your desktop. Then, attach the file to an email to send to your director.
Note: The data file (WA_DATA_YOUR_NAME_YYYY-MM-DD_HHMMSS.XML) will be placed on your Desktop and will need to be manually attached to an email message.
Use Option 3 if your director does not use Boulevard or you'd like to have a printed or pdf copy for your records.
- On the Weekly Accomplishment toolbar, click
next to
and select the date range from the drop-down list (if Custom is chosen, enter the applicable range, then click
OK .)
- Once the applicable date range has been set, click
- In the Send To section, choose Print.
- Use the Next Week's Goals area to record your plans for next week. Select whether to Include Business Supplies / Personal Use or Dovetail / Other (i.e. shipping, etc.), then click
OK .
- From the preview window, click
to print (or
to export as a pdf).
- From the PDF Export Options form, click OK .
- Navigate to where you would like the file to be saved (we recommend your desktop), then click Save .
Tip: By default, the file will be named Weekly Accomplishment Sheet.pdf. We recommend adding your name and the date range of the information included.
Additional Information:
Important Note: As with Mary Kay®, we strongly recommend using the Weekly Accomplishment Sheet for unit recognition only. It is not a complete income tax or accounting summary and should not be used for tax reporting. Instead, see Year-End: Gross Receipts (Personal Sales).
Note: The full retail item amount will appear in the Sales (less tax) columns. If discounts were applied to the retail items when invoiced, those offsetting amounts will appear under the All Other Discounts column.